
Make elements remain at the top of the viewport, like a sticky navigation.


To keep an element remaining at the top of the viewport when scrolling down the site, wrap the element with the vk-sticky component.

Stick to the top

Note Example elements on this page are only sticky until you scroll down to the next heading and disappear afterwards. This was done so as not to clutter your screen with all variations of sticky containers.


You can position the element below the viewport edge. Set the offset prop with the distance in pixels.

<vk-sticky :offset="100"></vk-sticky>
Stick 100px below the top


To apply the sticky behavior with a delay, set the top prop, which can be defined either by a number representing the offset in pixels, but also viewport height or a CSS selector.

<!-- sticks after 100px of scrolling -->
<vk-sticky :top="100"></vk-sticky>

<vk-sticky :top="100"></vk-sticky>

<!-- sticks after 100vh -->
<vk-sticky top="100vh"></vk-sticky>

<!-- sticks to the top of the container -->
<div id="my-id">
  <vk-sticky top="#my-id"></vk-sticky>
Stick to the top but only after 200px scrolling
Stick to the top but below the box


Set an animation prop with one of the UIkit Animations without the prefix in order to have the sticky element reappear smoothly.

<vk-sticky animation="slide-top"></vk-sticky>
Animation Slide Top

Sticky on scroll up

You can make the sticky element show only when scrolling up to save space. Together with an animation, this makes for a very smooth experience.

<vk-sticky show-on-up></vk-sticky>
Slide in on scroll up


Bind the sticky behavior to a specific element, so that it disappears after scrolling past that point of the page.

<!-- sticks until the bottom of its parent container -->
  <vk-sticky bottom></vk-sticky>

<!-- sticks until the second container -->
<vk-sticky bottom="#my-id"></vk-sticky>
<div id="my-id"></div>
Stick until the bottom of its parent container
Stick until the next headline

Some Headline


You also have the possibility of disabling the sticky behavior for different devices by setting the media prop with the appropriate viewport width. The element will be sticky from the specified viewport width and upwards, but not below.

<vk-sticky media="640"></vk-sticky>



Name Type Default Description
top Number, String 0 The top reference when the element should become sticky set in pixels, viewport height or a CSS selector.
bottom Boolean, String false The bottom reference when the element should stop being sticky. Set a CSS selector or as true to stick until it parent container.
offset Number 0 Positions the element below the viewport edge, value in pixels.
animation String -- Animation without the prefix used when transitioning states.
showOnUp Boolean false When enabled the sticky element will appear only when scrolling up.
media Number, String -- Disables the sticky behavior for different devices. The element will be sticky from the specified viewport width and upwards, but not below.
target Boolean false Initially make sure that the Sticky is not over a targeted element via location hash.