
Create dynamic nice looking tables.


To render a dynamic table use vk-table combined with one or more vk-table-column columns. The column defines the row cell key and the optional head title.

<vk-table data>
  <vk-table-column title cell></vk-table-column>
  <vk-table-column title cell></vk-table-column>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA


Striped modifier

Add zebra-striping to the table by setting the striped prop.

<vk-table striped>...</vk-table>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Hoverable modifier

Set the hoverable prop to display a hover state on the table rows.

<vk-table hoverable>...</vk-table>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Narrowed modifier

Set the narrowed prop to make the table cells more compact.

<vk-table narrowed>...</vk-table>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Justified modifier

To remove the outer padding of the first and last column so that they are flush with the table, set the justified prop.

<vk-table justified>...</vk-table>
John A. SmithLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Joan B. JonesLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Divided modifier

The divided prop adds a divider between table rows and is enabled by default. You can explicitly disable it passing a falsy value.

<vk-table :divided="false">...</vk-table>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA


Set the row-selectable or rows-selectable props to enable the table single or multiple row selection. Sync the selected rows with the selected-rows prop.

<vk-table row-selectable :selected-rows="[]">
  <vk-table-column title cell></vk-table-column>
  <vk-table-column title cell></vk-table-column>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Note Remember to set the prop with the sync modifier.

Column Select

Use the vk-table-column-select to render a column of checkboxes indicating the current row select state. It can be combined with the row selection feature.

John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA


If your table happens to be wider than its container element or would eventually get too big on a specific viewport width, just wrap it inside a <div> element and add the .uk-overflow-auto class from the UIkit Utility component. This creates a container that provides a horizontal scrollbar whenever the elements inside it are wider than the container itself.

<div class="uk-overflow-auto">
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Table HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable Heading
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Table HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable HeadingTable Heading

Stack on small viewports

If you want table columns to stack on small screens, set the responsive prop.

<vk-table responsive>...</vk-table>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Note Resize the browser window to see the columns stack.


As vk-table is not aware of the full extent of the data, it cannot take care of the sorting. The actual sorting must be abstracted, for example in the API or a simple component wrapper, and indicate the current sort state with the sortedBy prop. The value is expected to be an object composed of cell keys that are being ordered with it direction, asc or desc. E.g. { name: 'asc', city: 'desc' }.

To render sortable columns use the vk-table-column-sort column component. It will read the sortedBy prop to show the order arrow as well as to trigger a sort update through prop syncing. It supports multiple sorting by holding down the shift key.

<vk-table data sortedBy="{ cell: dir }">
  <vk-table-column-sort title cell>...</vk-table-column-sort>
  <vk-table-column-sort title cell>...</vk-table-column-sort>
John A. SmithSan FranciscoCA
Joan B. JonesNew YorkNY
Bob C. UncleLos AngelesCA

Note The demo doesn't sort the data, it only displays the UI updates.


You can customize the cell rendering with the column default and empty slots.

Slot Description
Default Use it to alter the cell display or to set a static content.
Empty Use it to render default information or to inform about missing data.

Both slots have access to a scope of, { cell, row, selected, allSelected }

<vk-table data>
  <vk-table-column>Static Content</vk-table-column>
  <vk-table-column cell>
    <div slot-scope="scope">...</div>
    <div slot="empty" slot-scope="scope">...</div>
John A. Smith
24 years old
Joan B. Jones
Age unknown
Bob C. Uncle
Age unknown


To optimize the display of table cells and their specific content, you can use one of the following utils or methods.

Util Description
Text shrink To reduce the column width to fit its content set the shrinked prop.
Text expand To expand the column width to fill the remaining space and apply a min-width, use the expanded prop.
Text truncate When applying a fixed width to a column, you might want to enable the truncated prop in order to truncate the text.
Text nowrap Set the unwrapped prop to keep the cell text from wrapping, for example when using the shrinked prop.
Cell link To link an entire cell, set the linked prop to a column and insert an <a> element using one of the slots. Add the .uk-link-reset class from the UIkit Link component to reset the default link styling.
Cell width Set one of the classes from the UIkit Width component, without the prefix, to the width prop on a column in order to modify the column width.
Cell alignment To vertically center cell content, set the cell-middle prop to the table or a column for a more specific selection. To apply the alignment to an entire row, use the table rowClass prop function and return .uk-table-middle class.
Preserve width Since images are responsive by default in Vuikit, using an image inside a shrinked column would reduce the image width to 0. To prevent this behavior, add the .uk-preserve-width class from the UIkit Base component to the <img> element.
<!-- Text shrink -->
<vk-table-column shrinked></vk-table-column>

<!-- Text expand -->
<vk-table-column expanded></vk-table-column>

<!-- Text truncate -->
<vk-table-column truncated></vk-table-column>

<!-- Text nowrap -->
<vk-table-column unwrapped></vk-table-column>

<!-- Cell link -->
<vk-table-column linked>
  <a class="uk-link-reset" href=""></a>

<!-- Cell width -->
<vk-table-column width="small"></vk-table-column>

<!-- Cell alignment -->
<vk-table cell-middle></vk-table>
  <vk-table-column cell-middle></vk-table-column>

<!-- Preserve width -->
<vk-table-column linked>
  <img class="uk-preserve-width">
PreserveLinkedTruncateShrink + Nowrap
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor



Name Type Default Description
data Array -- The table rows data, an array composed of Objects. Each object is a row, and each object key value is a cell.
rowKey String id The row key that represent it id. Used mostly for sorting and selecting rows, if a row is missing the id value, the row index will be used instead.
rowClass Function -- A function for adding custom row classes. It provides the current row being rendered and expects a string back.
Sort related
sortedBy Object -- The object representing the order state. Check the sortable section for more information.
Select related
selectedRows Array [] The array representing the currently selected rows. Check the selectable section for more information.
rowSelectable Boolean false Enables single row selection on row click.
rowsSelectable Boolean false Enables multiple row selection on row click.
Style Modifiers
divided Boolean true Adds a divider between table rows. Check modifiers section for more details.
narrowed Boolean false Make the table cells more compact. Check modifiers section for more details.
striped Boolean false Adds zebra-striping to the table. Check modifiers section for more details.
hoverable Boolean false Displays a hover state on the table rows. Check modifiers section for more details.
justified Boolean false Removes the outer padding of the first and last column. Check modifiers section for more details.
responsive Boolean false Forces the table columns to stack on small screens. Check responsive section for more details.
cellMiddle Boolean false Vertically centers all columns content. Check the utilities section for more details.


Name Type Default Description
title String -- The column head title.
cell String -- The cell key representing the data inside the row object.
cellClass String -- A custom class to apply to all column cells.
shrinked Boolean false Reduces the cell width to fit its content.
expanded Boolean false Expands the column width to fill the remaining space.
truncated Boolean false Truncates the text when it doesn't fit it container.
unwrapped Boolean false Keeps the cell text from wrapping.
width String -- Set one of the classes from the UIkit Width component in order to modify the column width.
linked Boolean false Sets the entire cell a link effect. Check utilities section for more details.
cellMiddle Boolean false Vertically centers the column cell content.
Select Specific
headless Boolean false Disables the column head display.