
Defines different styles for a sub navigation.


Use the vk-subnav component with vk-subnav-item as items within the list.

  <vk-subnav-item title></vk-subnav-item>
  <vk-subnav-item title></vk-subnav-item>
  <vk-subnav-item title disabled></vk-subnav-item>

Note For a better layout, if items should wrap into the next row, use the Margin directive.

Divided modifier

Set the divided prop to separate menu items with lines.

<vk-subnav divided>...</vk-subnav>

Pill modifier

Set the pill prop to highlight the active menu item with a background.

<vk-subnav pill>...</vk-subnav>

You can also use a dropdown from the Dropdown component with vk-subnav-item-dropdown.

  <vk-subnav-item-dropdown title>

Sync active item

By default the active item state is internal but you can sync it with your context using the active-item prop. To easier identify the items set a unique key to each of them, otherwise they id will default to their index.

<vk-subnav :active-item.sync>
  <vk-subnav-item title key="first"></vk-subnav-item>
  <vk-subnav-item title key="second"></vk-subnav-item>
  <vk-subnav-item title key="third"></vk-subnav-item>

Active item is: second



Name Type Default Description
activeItem String, Number -- The currently active item. If omitted, the active state will remain internal.
divided Boolean false Displays modifier that separate the items with lines.
pill Boolean false Displays modifier that highlight the active item with a background.


Name Type Default Description
title String -- The title to display.
active Boolean false Displays the item as active.
disabled Boolean false Displays the item as disabled.


Name Type Default Description
title String -- The title to display.
disabled Boolean false Displays the item as disabled.
disabled Boolean false Displays the item as disabled.
... -- -- This component inherits the Drop Component props.